Monday, February 22, 2016

Thesis with all topics

     The government during the progressive era experienced many new changes and problems that came along with it. Changes were made by the government to locate and solve obvious, important problems during the era. The health and safety reforms being made were meant to solve an issue but commonly these reforms caused further problems.

Multiple Choice questions

James Webster
History Lawson
Multiple Choice Questions Writing

  1. “Crusading journalist” who focused public attention to social, economic, and political problems were known as the_______?

  1. Progressives
  2. Muckrackers
  3. The Social Gospel
  4. Social Darwinist
  5. Newspaper Photographers

     2.  Progressives believe in all of the following except _______?

  1. Social improvement
  2. Political improvement
  3. Keeping the government out of reforms
  4. Natural laws
  5. Stabilizing and enhancing Society

     3.  “_______” is the fear of concentrated power and practices the urge to limit and separate authority and wealth.

  1. Progressivism
  2. Antimonopoly
  3. Social Darwinism
  4. The Social gospel
  5. Corporation

Friday, February 19, 2016

Living Essay

 Our group worked together to form a thesis with our information. We combined the affect of progressivism with our topics to create a balanced thesis.

During the Progressive era, 1880-1920, many changes were occurring as society was attempting to advance and move forward. However, many challenges arose with this new freedom, and the United States realized that people needed a superior power to step in to keep everything out of control. For example, the influenza epidemic of 1918 could only be helped by enforcing strict quarantines. The production of Coke a Cola was hazardous to the health of drinkers, and in other cases the wealthy and careless put others in harms way with their rash decisions such as the Johnstown dam breaking and killing hundreds of people. Through the progressive era, the government improved its level of aid on state and national levels, motivated by the notion of keeping people safe.

The increase of government control was a good thing for the era. People’s new ideas and wealth, and health needed to be monitored in order to keep everything stable. By introducing reforms, quarantine standards, and bans on hazardous substances, the government was able to protect America's health and well being.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Johnstown Flood and How it Relates to Progressivism

The Johnstown flood occurred May 31,1889 in Johnstown Pennsylvania. Killing over 2,200 people the flood was a catastrophic event that caused terror for the people of Johnstown and neighboring regions. After reading several articles from newspapers during the time of the flood, I found interesting articles, facts, and opinions documented in well known newspapers such as the “New York Herald” and the “Philadelphia Inquirer”. After searching theses newspaper articles in the archive I soon could see the relation with progressivism and the details that caused the flood.
The newspaper article “Widespread Fury and Destruction” by the New York Herald on June 02, 1889 goes into a summary of the destruction and lives lost because the flood. After reading the article I got a better understanding of what the flood actually was and the how it impacted not only the town, but many other systems within the town. An important point made in the article explained that the flood caused the railroads to shut down in high populated areas. This also caused the stop of mail and goods from entering certain places that needed the goods. After looking it over I believe that the use of the Article was not only stating news in the country but making a point that disasters such as this one impact a wide variety of things.
I also read an article named “The South Fork Club Sued” by the Philadelphia Inquirer on July 29, 1889. This article contained information about a lawsuit and the reasoning behind the flood. The article contained information about the Dam and the South Fork Club. A woman by the name Mrs. Little wanted 50,000 dollars from the rich businessmen involved with the club.
and she stated that the flood was caused by the hunting club reserving a ridiculous amount of water causing the dam to burst due to misuse and neglect by the club. I believe that the flood relates to progressivism through many different ways. After researching I got a better understanding about the rich businessmen of the club and how many of them were indeed progressives. This finding brought up the question that the wealthy progressive men caused this disaster due to too much power and carelessness brought on by their wealth. I also read where many lawsuits were created and this relates to progressivism because the reforms that were created. Many progressives and other politicians began to try to fix the problem by creating new laws and standards.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Third quarter revision

The beginning of second semester started with me completing make up work due to illness in the first semester. I worried that I would fall behind but managed to complete the assignments such as the Eddie Aikau research, the Spanish american war, and other components relating to these topics. I found the Eddie Aikua assignment diverse and interesting compared to most the assignments we have worked on previously. I believe that this assignment was a good change to study more about a individual then a group. All the assignments we have gone over in the third quarter have been helpful to me to understand more about the research and techniques to better myself in the class.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


  • I would define progress as receiving success for a certain thing over a period of time.
  • The progressive era refers to the 1890’s to the 1920’s because of social activism and political advances.
  • Widespread social activism and political reform were problems during this time. Social problems were caused by industrialization
  • They all have social problems that all are caused by disagreements about the reforms.
  • The essential goals include
  • Health
  • Economic efficiency
  • Womens Rights
  • Prohibition