Friday, May 13, 2016

Letter To Future: Climate, Economy, and Agriculture

While researching climate and effects of climate on a global scale, I was fascinated with the controversies, economic effects, and the overall views people have on the topic. I found myself most interested in the effect climate has on economic values such as commodity prices and the stock market. Growing up in a farming family fueled my interest toward this topic, mainly because I know the importance of the role climate plays on agriculture and also many other things.I found many great sources to help further my knowledge within this topic such as websites and several books on climate change and the change of economy due to climate change.
I started off my research by tracking climate change and finding evidence to support the claims made by scientist about the causes of climate change and whether or not climate around the world is still changing. I wasn't surprised to find many educational sources backing up the scientist theory but I was surprised  to see the groups being targeted and blamed for pollution and factors leading  up to the climate change such as the depletion of the ozone. Most researchers and scientist included farming and agricultural concepts in the category of the causes for climate change. I found this interesting because at first it didn’t make sense to me how farming could cause damage to the earth but after studying the topic for several classes and comparing ideas and evidence gathered from over the years and it made it more clear to me how farming can indeed impact the earth's climate in a negative way. I was relieved to find out farming is not nearly the worst for the climate  and pollution and deforestation from developing projects is much worst.
Climate basically controls lifestyles around the world and it most certainly controls agriculture and economics. Places in certain geographical locations can grow certain crops or raise certain livestock to sell. For example countries such as the United States, Brazil, and China produce the world's most grain annually. This is generally because the location geographically, and the climate in these locations inhabit fertile soils, precipitation, and warm sunshine for the growth of these row crops. The growth of these row crops  is very important for the world because it’s what the population eats and without them people would starve. That's why there are commodities and the commodities change rapidly due to how climate affects the yields of these crops. If a country such as brazil suffers a bad drought then the prices for grain in the US or other countries increases and the result is their being a risk for a shortage. Following that the research that I also looked into, the economic power and advantages some countries have due to climate and commodity prices. For example I was a bit scared after learning that China holds millions of bushels of grain each year instead of putting it all on the market like the US. After reading this I realized that if the stock market ever collapses we would be in a very large mess because the amount of grain that China obtains today would be enough to collapse the stock market if all of it was put on at once.
Overall I enjoyed researching this topic because i could relate to most of what I was researching and I learned an immense amount of facts about it portrayed to me the importance of climate on the economy and if climate continues to change then the earth will face more problems than just the economy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Affects of climate on economy

After doing research on how climate affects economy I was very Interested in finding information relating to agriculture and commodity prices. I found several good websites and started by reviewing major events that have occurred due to the climate such as the dust bowl. I found that there have been many devastating droughts and many floods throughout the history of the United States and other countries. These droughts and floods have impacted the way we farm today very much depending on location. The droughts and floods i read about Impacted the price of grain and cotton and caused farmers to spend more money to prepare land for planting.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016


economy- because climate effects the amount of food a country can grow and sell and climate also effects the economy by causing commodity prices to change due to floods or drought.

scientist- many scientist study climate and come up with different ideas about the earths climate and how it is changing

controversy- because of clashing views of the impact society on the changing climate and whether or not its changing at all

population- because the climate of certain geographical areas impact where people want to live in the world

discovery-  because many knew theories and ideas about climate are discovered frequently

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Radio Advertisment 1930's

While doing my research I learned that the use of the radio boomed during the 1930’s. Advertisements became very common and popular during this time and most of the advertising included household cleaning items, food brands, and general goods. One thing that I  learned was that music was used a lot in these advertisements and brands such as coca cola began using popular music and themes in their advertisements on the radio. Another common advertisement in this time period included the use of celebrities and actresses and they would mainly be promoting weight loss and dieting or promoting a item or event such as Colgate toothpaste and Sporting events.

Monday, April 11, 2016

1920's Speech

James Webster
History speech
I pledge

American society in the 1920’s was filled with prosperity and expansion. The change and expansion was beneficial for the country but also brought many problems and controversies to the U.S.  Immigration, economics, race, religion, and sciences made up a large portion of these problems and advances during the new era.
Immigration held many problems during the 1920’s, similar to the challenges faced in the U.S today with immigration. Throughout the 1920’s many “old stock Americans” associated immigration with radicalism and this became a popular and diverse topic within this time period. The problem resulted in acts, such as The Emergency Immigration act to be made to limit the number of immigrants into the Country.
The U.S faced immense growth during the 1920’s and in my opinion the most beneficial was the economic growth. Many families benefited from this and the jobs and opportunities available were much better than they had been before. Wages and working conditions had been much improved during the new era making working more personal and pleasurable for the society.
Race and religion played a large role in the 1920’s. Problems with racial differences were evident during this time period and groups such as the Ku klux Klan were formed making it a hostile subject. Following the problems with race there were many arguments and problems with religion. The diverse beliefs that now flourished the U.S. caused these problems and the traditional ways of the U.S were being tested and altered. As a result of this a new group known as the fundamentalist were formed and they questioned the traditional beliefs of Americans and focused their attention to science and new discoveries that consisted of proof.
 Overall immigration, economics, race, religion, and science had a huge impact on America in the 1920’s and these topics are still very important to the American society today.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Propaganda Poster Analysis

  • The way that I would describe propaganda would be advertisement for politics and war in the late 19th century to early 20th century, mainly used for the army drafts and politics.
  • According to, the definition of propaganda is "Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also :a public action having such an effect"

  • The first poster in set one is titled " Wake up, America! Civilization Calls Every Man, Women, and Child" I believe that this poster is representing either a political campaign or the war. The woman on the poster is dressed in red, white, and blue and is depicted as sleeping. There is a white column in the background making it look almost like the white house. The poster uses the painting of the woman as the focus point and places the words on the top and bottom of the poster making the reader look at the entire poster.
  • The second poster is titled "Destroy This Mad Brute, Enlist", this poster is advertising for men to join the army. The mad ape in the poster represents the opposing countries that are battling the U.S, and the women it is holding represents the American girl that is being taken and mistreated due to these opposing countries. The ape is most likely in the poster because during this time period the opposing countries people were commonly known as savages. The bat that the ape is holding has "Kulture" written on it and I feel that this is because the army wanted the people to believe that the opposing countries culture was very scary. 
  • The third poster is titled "Beat Back The Hun With Liberty Bonds" and is representing the use of liberty bonds. The poster has a angry looking warrior from somewhere in asia in it and he has blood on his knife. The poster is most likely advertising liberty bonds and it is trying to say that if liberty bonds are bought then the citizens will be safe.