Propaganda Poster Analysis
- The way that I would describe propaganda would be advertisement for politics and war in the late 19th century to early 20th century, mainly used for the army drafts and politics.
- According to, the definition of propaganda is "Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also :a public action having such an effect"
- The first poster in set one is titled " Wake up, America! Civilization Calls Every Man, Women, and Child" I believe that this poster is representing either a political campaign or the war. The woman on the poster is dressed in red, white, and blue and is depicted as sleeping. There is a white column in the background making it look almost like the white house. The poster uses the painting of the woman as the focus point and places the words on the top and bottom of the poster making the reader look at the entire poster.
- The second poster is titled "Destroy This Mad Brute, Enlist", this poster is advertising for men to join the army. The mad ape in the poster represents the opposing countries that are battling the U.S, and the women it is holding represents the American girl that is being taken and mistreated due to these opposing countries. The ape is most likely in the poster because during this time period the opposing countries people were commonly known as savages. The bat that the ape is holding has "Kulture" written on it and I feel that this is because the army wanted the people to believe that the opposing countries culture was very scary.
- The third poster is titled "Beat Back The Hun With Liberty Bonds" and is representing the use of liberty bonds. The poster has a angry looking warrior from somewhere in asia in it and he has blood on his knife. The poster is most likely advertising liberty bonds and it is trying to say that if liberty bonds are bought then the citizens will be safe.
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