Monday, January 25, 2016

Thinking about Success

     Success can be portrayed in many ways and contains many different stages and parts that have to be figured out by the individual trying to become successful. Three people that I researched for this essay include Malcolm Glad-well, Angela Duckworth, and Bill Gates. These three individuals all have helpful, true, and different views on being successful and gaining success. Malcolm Gladwell presents a very persuasive argument that success comes from passion and desire, through books he has written and interviews he has participated in. Angela Duckworth presents a similar argument but incorporates the importance of motivation over the more basic IQ's of individuals for success in school. And Bill gates thoughts on success include hard work and intelligence towards whatever goals an individual has.
     Malcolm Gladwell was born September 3, 1963. He is a fictional writer that incorporates his thoughts about success through the books that he writes. He has been a staff writer for the New Yorker since 1996.  He has written five books including two that portray what he thinks about success. These two books are The Outliers and David and Goliath. Both these books go deep into what it takes to be successful and key aspects of it that are helpful and interesting to anyone that reads them. A quote from Malcolm Gladwell stated in the business insider is "Its very hard to find someone who is successful and dislikes what they do". This quote brings out a very important message that is saying a person has to enjoy their job or else they wont become successful as easily. He also states that a person has to adapt and work hard to receive success its not just given away. Another important point explained by Gladwell includes fear and why fear can hold success back for an individual. In the business insider page about Glawell I found that he doesn't let his fear overcome him and he makes it clear not to be afraid to change your mind in a situation. From Gladwells point of view he explains how attending a big name University such as Harvard is not a wise choice for most that attend schools like this. He states that the pressure and the comparison of theses schools cause some of the smartest students to give up their goals.
     Angela Duckworth expressed her feelings and ideas towards success in a ted talk video. During the beginning of the video she explained her background and how she began working at a demanding job that she didn't enjoy very much. She later went to be a teacher and noticed many things while teaching. She explains these findings in the ted talk and talks about the patterns and themes she noticed some students were following. She explains how IQ isn't always the determine factor of a students ability. She explained that she was certain that most if not all students could succeed at the work they were doing if they were more motivated. A more bold word for motivation that she used was "Grit". She explained that grit is what students, adults, and anyone searching for success needs. She talked about how grit is passion and perseverance brought on by a individual. Duckworth quit teaching and went back to school to get her degree in physiology. After gaining the degree she studied students and drew a conclusion. She states in the video that successful students aren't always the smartest with the highest IQ but the ones with most grit and determination towards a goal. 
     Bill Gates is a very successful business man and engineer that has overcome bumps in the road to have received his success. Bill Gates was born on October, 28, 1955 in Seattle Washington. He grew up having a rather successful family dealing with a business background. Bill explains in his success story that he gained his success through very hard work and his Intelligence. By intelligence he didn't mean that an individual has to be a genius but must know how to use their intelligence to further their success in life. Being competitive, ambitious, and motivated has helped Bill Gates a lot. He said that without  his friend Allens motivation for him he might not have stuck with building and creating computers and computer software. Bill enrolled In Harvard University in 1973 and enrolled his name for pre law not knowing what he wanted to do. He makes it clear that changing your mind and exploring ideas will guide an individual to personal success such as the success that he as a individual has received. He states in the "Success Story of  Bill Gates" that an individual must have a vision in mind and with time, hard work, and intelligence the individual can gain the success they want. 
     Overall the three people talking about success consist of great ideas for success and great points that should be studied by anyone having trouble with this topic. The ideas on success are somewhat different but all help with the goals of people. - I used this source for information about Malcolm Gladwells most important factor of success - I used this source for information about the book David And Goliath written by Malcolm and his other theory's. - I used this source for information about Malcolm's tips towards a persons goals. - This source included Angela's theory about children's motivation and IQ in school. - This source includes facts about bill gates and his idea about success. video including Bills motivational speech for Harvard grads.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Eddie Aikau Questions

1.       The documentary filmmakers called this film Hawaiian, The Legend of Eddie Aikau because the film was based in Hawaii and Eddie was a native from there.  I believe that they added Hawaiian in the title to add respect towards Eddie being one of the best if not the best native Hawaiian surfers that could out surf the Australians and California surfers. Hawaii was very important to Eddie and I believe that in the documentary the filmmakers wanted this to be clear. I think that adding “The Legend” in the title also marked a reason such as Eddies heroic actions.
2.       Every documentary has the following elements:
a.       Topic:  Eddie Aikau was born and raised in Hawaii and trained and practiced surfing basically everyday. He was loyal and loving towards his family and helped many others. He struggled to win a surf contest on his home ground of Hawaii but later
b.      Focus:  The focus of the documentary was the struggles that Eddie faced. It focused mainly on the surfing and the struggle to beat white surfers coming to the island. Not just to beat them but he wanted people to know that the natives have been surfing for decades.
c.       Angle:  The angle of the documentary changed from this happy surfer trying to be the best, to a Hawaiian native surfer struggling to gain back confidence and dominance over other surfers.

3.       Since the film was made by ESPN the filmmakers may have believed that the audience was more focused on the competition and sport aspect of film. Most ESPN documentaries include mainly sports related cases not containing as much detail and historic evidence as the Eddie Aikau film.

4.       The Eddie Aikau film could have been very different I believe if it was filmed by PBS or the History channel. If done by the history channel I believe that many other cultural and historical aspects would be added. If done by PBS I believe that more of a biography would occur and witnesses and family members wouldn’t be included as much in the actual film.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Phrenology Bust Post

     Today we observed an object to later do research on the object. The object was a porcelain bust of a head with writing and a diagram appearing to separate certain regions of the human brain.The head had a Title of phrenology near the bottom and it was labeled as an authentic model. I learned after some research that phrenology was studied around the 1800's and that the real antique bust were solid porcelain and the one we observed was hollow meaning it was not an antique. The porcelain head that we observed was made in Oregon making impossible to be real due to the time period the real ones were made. Doing research for this was interesting because there were many different models of this object. I soon realized that the name Authentic Models was actually the brand of porcelain heads and I found their website by researching the name.
J.G. Spurzheim lecturing c. 1820s

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

US History Research Project: Crime From 1880 to 1920

Crime and violence in the US quickly began to rise in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Cities were most impacted by the violence due to new gangs forming and  riots occurring over political and racial affairs. During the time period from 1880 to 1920 much urbanization was happening and the crime and homicide rate went up heavily to 102,000 in 1900 and in 1919 it was at 700,000. During this time period many new innovations were being created and events were documented much better than before. Newspapers being printed regularly impacted the country by letting all the people know what is happening such as crime, murders, and scandals.
A notorious gang, The Valley gang was a violent gang that originated in Chicago Illinois in the late 19th century. The gang consisted mostly of Irish descendants and they ran the street known as the Bloody Maxwell section on 15th street in Chicago. The crime that was popular within this gang was pick pocketing and armed robbery. By 1900 the gang became the leading force in the underworld of Chicago. They were later noticed by Capone and the Chicago Outfit gang and became allies with them over a few years. Following the bootleg wars both allied gangs were battling their rival gang the Ragen's Colts and many other gangs and law enforcement during the time of prohibition. The leader of the Valley gang was Patty “the fox” Ryan until killed by gang rival Walter “runt” Quinlan in 1920. Capone allowed the Valley gang 40% of his income for return for protection from The Ragen’s Colts.
The Chicago Outfit Gang ran by Al Capone was a very wealthy and notorious gang also originating in Chicago Illinois. The gang controlled large movements and shipments of liquor during the prohibition. This gang was also known as the Chicago Mafia due to the heavy presence of Italian descendants in its members. It was founded by Big Jim Colosimo in 1910. The gang didn't really show their power until around the 1920’s. The gang was involved in much crime during the early 20th century. The crime consisted on distribution of large amounts of alcohol, loansharking, gambling, prostitution, extortion, political corruption and murder. The rival gangs most delt with by The Chicago outfit were the Ragen’s Colts, Five Families gang, Detroit Cleveland gang, and the Milwaukee gang.
Another street gang in Chicago at the time was the Ragen’s Colts, known rivals with the Chicago Outfit gang and the Valley gang. The Ragen’s Colts started off as a sports club consisting of men playing sports. The gang was later formed by leading pitcher Frank Ragen and this is where the name for the gang came from. The number of members in the gang rose from 160 in 1902 to over 2,000 in 1908.Frank Ragen was known to hire lots of men to partake in election fraud. The gang had also financed many careers in Chicago including the Chicago Police and city treasurers. By 1920 many of the men were already known as notorious criminals or murderers. This gang was believed to be a leading cause of the riots in 1919 in Chicago.
The Chicago Race riot of 1919 was caused by torment and disagreements brought on by gangs towards african americans. The Large racial conflict started on the 27 of July and ended on the 3rd of August. 38 people were killed in this riot and 500 were injured. It was the worst of 25 riots during the red summer. The cause of this riot was conflict due to african americans moving into big cities that were filled with urbanization. The Irish descendants that were already living there at the time did not like that the African Americans were moving in and this started the racial conflict and riots in Chicago. The Irish living their fiercely defended their thought to be territory and this created fighting between races. The battle to find jobs was immense and this was a main reason for the conflict because everybody was looking for labor. The racial battle became violent after a young black boy was killed by a rock hitting his head.
Overall the late 19th century and early 20th century was a time period starting to experience more and more crime. The murders and violence brought on by gangs were a large part of the troubles faced by large cities ranging from the north to the south. The rise of violence was caused mainly due to urbanization and the racial battle that was going on. From 1880 to 1920 many good thing in the united states occurred but there were also a large amount of crime that came along with it.
Chicago riot of 1919
Riots Across the US
Valley Gang
Al Capone
Ragen”s Colts

I used this source to find different gangs in the Chicago region
I used this source to study and gain facts about the race riots of Chicago and around the nation.
I used this source to study the Chicago Outfit gang ran by Al Capone
I used this source to study the Ragens Colts Gang also in Chicago
I used this site directly for information about the Chicago Race riot.
I used this source for additional information about the race riots.