While researching climate and effects of climate on a global scale, I was fascinated with the controversies, economic effects, and the overall views people have on the topic. I found myself most interested in the effect climate has on economic values such as commodity prices and the stock market. Growing up in a farming family fueled my interest toward this topic, mainly because I know the importance of the role climate plays on agriculture and also many other things.I found many great sources to help further my knowledge within this topic such as websites and several books on climate change and the change of economy due to climate change.
I started off my research by tracking climate change and finding evidence to support the claims made by scientist about the causes of climate change and whether or not climate around the world is still changing. I wasn't surprised to find many educational sources backing up the scientist theory but I was surprised to see the groups being targeted and blamed for pollution and factors leading up to the climate change such as the depletion of the ozone. Most researchers and scientist included farming and agricultural concepts in the category of the causes for climate change. I found this interesting because at first it didn’t make sense to me how farming could cause damage to the earth but after studying the topic for several classes and comparing ideas and evidence gathered from over the years and it made it more clear to me how farming can indeed impact the earth's climate in a negative way. I was relieved to find out farming is not nearly the worst for the climate and pollution and deforestation from developing projects is much worst.
Climate basically controls lifestyles around the world and it most certainly controls agriculture and economics. Places in certain geographical locations can grow certain crops or raise certain livestock to sell. For example countries such as the United States, Brazil, and China produce the world's most grain annually. This is generally because the location geographically, and the climate in these locations inhabit fertile soils, precipitation, and warm sunshine for the growth of these row crops. The growth of these row crops is very important for the world because it’s what the population eats and without them people would starve. That's why there are commodities and the commodities change rapidly due to how climate affects the yields of these crops. If a country such as brazil suffers a bad drought then the prices for grain in the US or other countries increases and the result is their being a risk for a shortage. Following that the research that I also looked into, the economic power and advantages some countries have due to climate and commodity prices. For example I was a bit scared after learning that China holds millions of bushels of grain each year instead of putting it all on the market like the US. After reading this I realized that if the stock market ever collapses we would be in a very large mess because the amount of grain that China obtains today would be enough to collapse the stock market if all of it was put on at once.
Overall I enjoyed researching this topic because i could relate to most of what I was researching and I learned an immense amount of facts about it portrayed to me the importance of climate on the economy and if climate continues to change then the earth will face more problems than just the economy.